Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Gas Fridge shares reasons to own a gas refrigerator

Gas Fridge shares why the EZ Freeze Gas Refrigerator is your best choice for a non-electric, natural gas or propane refrigerator.Cold food storage is necessary for healthy living and survival. From the old ice boxes to today’s modern appliances, refrigerators have come a long way. They not only come in different shapes, sizes, and colors, but they are powered by different energy sources as well. Gas Fridge shares some of the reasons to own a gas-powered refrigerator.

You don’t have on-grid electricity. Gas fridges are a great option if your home or vacation home is not connected to a local electric utility. The EZ Freeze refrigerator runs on natural gas or propane. Propane is portable, can be stored, and has an unlimited shelf life when stored in a properly sealed container.

An electric refrigerator makes too much noise. Electric refrigerators have lots of moving parts: compressors, fans, and motors, all working together to keep your food at the desired temperature. Unfortunately, moving parts means potential for mechanical failure. Gas fridges have no moving parts, making them quiet and dependable.

You experience more natural disasters or power outages. When electricity goes off, all the food in your refrigerator and freezer are at risk. Losing a refrigerator full of food and/or medicines due to a power outage would be an expensive situation, and a potential threat to your health and survival. Having a gas fridge as a backup unit is one way to avoid that risk.

You are sensitive to EMF (electromagnetic field) emissions. There are a number of people who experience symptoms that they attribute to EMF exposure. Limiting the number of appliances and devices in your home that run on electricity can decrease EMF exposure. A non-electric refrigerator does not give off EMFs.

A gas-powered refrigerator gets as cold or colder than its electric counterpart and can use either natural gas or propane. With no moving parts, no EMFs, and no need for electricity, a gas fridge may be the perfect solution for you. For more information, Contact Gas Fridge today at 928-636-6674. Learn more about the EZ Freeze non-electric refrigerator at

EZ Freeze Gas Fridge
Propane Appliances
Helpful Gas Refrigerator Articles


  1. As cold food storage is necessary for the healthy living and survival so food storage unit should be maintained on a regular basis and Ice Cream Counter it needs repairment than it should be repair on the immediately basis.
